Writing final exams or studying for big semester-end papers can be the most challenging aspects of a student’s life experience in college. There is a lot to learn, keep the books organized, memorize some already studied textbooks and remember to recall read study materials for the exams. Following the effective study tips listed in this article can help reduce stress and increase productivity in your grade point average. Not every studying technique works for every student, learn to experiment with a few of these important study methods to find out which ones work best for you.

Why Should I Study For An Exam

Learners are leaders and great learners study hard. As a student, one of the marquee activities that go on to define your capabilities is your ability to study hard and pass an exam. As a student, it’s imperative to develop effective time management and study techniques that help you retain the most information.  Studying well for an exam can make your GPA and is a skill that will come in handy long into your educational future. Let’s take a closer look at how many hours should you study for an exam. A general rule is to spend two hours on homework or studying for every hour that your class meets. For example, if your economics class meets for an hour, three times a week, you might expect to spend six hours a week on homework or studying for your upcoming econ exams. However, honing in your studying routine can help to streamline your process and ensure the best outcomes on your next test. Below is a brief analogy of hen to start studying. READ ALSO: Time Management Tips to Study Smarter

When To Start Studying?

Making out time to study can be a big task for students due to lots of activities around them. Rather than procrastinating until the day or night before the exam, one of the best ways to be prepared for a test/exam is to stay on top of your work throughout the class from the get-go. Also, by taking proper notes, staying engaged in the information, and studying a little every week to review what you have learned, you will find test-taking to be a bit easier and less stressful. So, if you wish to stay on top of your game as a student, the best time to start studying is in the four walls of a classroom by paying attention in class, taking proper notes, and asking the right questions. You may want to see this: Unavoidable Time Management Tips For College Students In 2022

How To Start Studying For An Exam

Once you are ready to get to studying, getting organized will play a large role in reducing your stress levels and preparing you to absorb the information. Here are a few things to keep in mind: study space, study materials, review of previous tests, and prioritizing. Creating the best environment for learning can be relaxing during studying time. If you are attending a traditional on-campus university, it is likely that there are 24-hour study rooms or libraries that are available. Additionally, some people like studying with some background noise the coffee shop is okay. When you are online, you can create a study space that suits your needs.  Once the problem of sorting the right environment is solved, the next thing is to cultivate a study practice. You can jump into the different ways of learning that help you absorb the most information. There are basic study techniques to make it more fun and interesting experience.  You can adopt the following ideas:

Top 9 Study Methods To Prepare For Your Exam

Below are 9 study methods that can help prepare you for a successful exam:

1. The SQ3R Method

The SQ3R method is a reading comprehension technique that helps students identify important facts and retain information within their textbook. SQ3R (or SQRRR) is an acronym that stands for the following five steps of the reading comprehension process: READ ALSO: Tips on how to study for finals | College & High School

2. Retrieval Practice

Retrieval practice is based on the concept of remembering at a later time. Recalling an answer to a question improves learning more than looking for the answer in your textbook. And, remembering and writing down the answer to a flashcard is a lot more effective than thinking you know the answer and flipping the card over early. If you practice retrieval, you are more likely to remember the information later on. Below are some ways you can implement the retrieval process into your study routine:

3. Spaced Practice

Spaced practice (also known as “distributed practice”) encourages students to study over a longer period of time instead of cramming the night before. When our brains almost forget something, they work harder to recall that information. Spacing out your studying allows your mind to make connections between ideas and build upon the knowledge that can be easily recalled later. To try this technique, review your material in spaced intervals similar to the schedule below: It’s important to start planning early. At the beginning of each semester, schedule some time each day just for studying and reviewing the material. Even if your exams are months away, this will help you hold yourself accountable. READ ALSO: DAT Practice Tests 2022: Study guide, Tips, Dates, Results, Login, Requirements

4. The PQ4R Method

This method takes an active approach to learning that improves memorization and understanding of the topic. Similar to the SQ3R method above, PQ4R is an acronym that stands for the six steps in the process:

5. The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is an efficient method of learning a concept quickly by explaining it in plain and simple terms. It’s based on the idea, “If you want to understand something well, try to explain it simply.” What that means is, by attempting to explain a concept in our own words, we are likely to understand it a lot faster. How it works:

6. Leitner System

The Leitner System is a learning technique based on flashcards. Ideally, you keep your cards in several different boxes to track when you need to study each set. Every card starts in Box 1. If you get a card right, you move it to the next box. If you get a card wrong, you either move it down a box or keep it in Box 1 (if it’s already there). Each box determines how much you will study each set of cards, similar to the following schedule:

7. Mind Mapping

If you’re a visual learner, try mind mapping, a technique that allows you to visually organize information in a diagram. First, you write a word in the center of a blank page. From there, you write major ideas and keywords and connect them directly to the central concept. Other related ideas will continue to branch out. The structure of a mind map is related to the way our brains store and retrieve information. Mind mapping your notes instead of just writing them down can improve your reading comprehension. It also enables you to see the big picture by communicating the hierarchy and relationships between concepts and ideas. So, how do you do it? TIP: Use different colors for each branch and draw pictures if it helps.

8. Exercise Before Studying

Not only does exercise fight fatigue, it can also increase energy levels. If you’re struggling to find the motivation to study, consider adding an exercise routine to your day. It doesn’t have to be a full hour at the gym. It can be a 20-minute workout at home or a brisk walk around your neighborhood. Anything to get your heart rate pumping. Exercising before you study:

9. Study Before Bed

Sleep is crucial for brain function, memory formation, and learning. Studying before you sleep, whether it is reviewing flashcards or notes, can help improve recall. According to Scott Cairney, a researcher from the University of York in the United Kingdom, “When you are awake you learn new things, but when you are asleep you refine them, making it easier to retrieve them and apply them correctly when you need them most. This is important for how we learn but also for how we might help retain healthy brain functions.” When you’re asleep, the brain organizes your memories. Instead of pulling an all-nighter, study a few hours before bed and then review the information in the morning. No one wants to spend more time studying than they need to. Learning effective study techniques can ensure you are fully prepared for your exams and will help curve any looming test anxiety. Hopefully, with the techniques above, you can avoid cramming the night before and make your study time more effective. For more tips, download the infographic below. SEE ALSO: How To Prepare For IELTS In 2022 | Study Guide, Practice Test, Exam Dates, & Venue


Good study skills can increase your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. They can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines. By developing effective study skills, you may be able to cut down on the number of hours spent studying, leaving more time for other things in your life. With the above steps, outlined students can effectively study and build the skill of studying which may feel worthwhile.


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