Statement of Purpose also known as SOP is a mandatory component of the application process most institutions ask for from students. However, it is most times required for the undergraduate, MS, MBA and Ph.D. admissions. Most times, some schools ask for motivational letters, personal statements, or letters of application in place of the statement of purpose. This a very vital part of your application process. What Do you think! Thinking of how to get this done elsewhere? That will be a very big mistake because it will be a waste of your time. This post you are reading will give you insight into everything you need to know about writing a successful statement of purpose sample for MBA. First, you can scroll the table of Content Below to get an overview of all I have packaged in this post just for you. Table Of Contents

What is the Statement of Purpose?

The statement of purpose also known as SOP is written when you are applying for university admission. It is like an essay that you are expected to prepare that must be submitted with your application form. Moreso, in writing an SOP, you describe your goals, objectives, and achievements just to impress the admission personals in the faculty you are applying to. In addition, the Statement of purpose is a letter that tells the university why you need the admission, why you think you are a deserving candidate & how this education can help you in the future. Note, A good SOP should not only speak about your personality, but it should also highlight your abilities & how you intend to use them to overcome hurdles. In summary, Statement of Purpose is also referred to as SOP, Admission application essay, personal statement, or cover letter.  See more about MBA programs

Why do I need a Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA

‘ Why do I need SOP ‘ has being a common question most students when they see it as one of the requirements. Now, when they don’t get the right answer to end up omitting it entirely just to run away from the stress. First, in applying for admission, colleges and universities see SOP as one of the vital components that must be in your application. Hence, it tells about your personality and unique things about you that should qualify you for the admission. Thus, it is the most important part of the entire admission process. In the same view, It is the only document in your application that gives you the opportunity to prove that you have something unique that makes you stand out from the crowd. Now, having known Why you need a Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA, I think you should be thinking of writing an exceptional SOP that will stand out. Let’s talk about it…..

How Can I make an exceptional SOP?

This is very vital and important part that you should give rapid attention to. You know that you will not be the only one applying for admission to a university. There can be thousands of applicants like you who might even be better than you when considering what you have upstairs. You can have a head-start over them with an exceptional SOP. Obviously, there are some basics about SOP writing that you must know. Specifically, the content of SOP for the MBA program will be totally different from the SOP for a Masters’s course like an MS or an MSc. Similarly, the SOP for a Bachelors’s course would be widely different from any of the two.

Here is a look at how to write a winning SOP.

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Tips on How to write a statement of purpose Sample for MBA

As an MBA student, having the tips on how to write a statement of purpose Sample will go a long way in helping you write an exceptional SOP. If you want to write an original and authentic Statement fo Purpose Sample for MBA application, you really need to take a look at some of these tips. Don’t be like every other student, who will just copy other’s work or write any nonsense that comes to their mind. You are Different….. So why not explore these tips on how to write a statement of purpose Sample for MBA with me and write an outstanding Statement of Purpose today.

Tell Stories

Generally, one of the tips on how to write a statement of purpose Sample is writing it as a story-telling not a statement. When you tell stories, it connects with emotions and feelings. When writing a statement of purpose Sample for MBA, try to write it as a story. It puts anyone reading it in your shoes, and gets him or her in the storyline. Even without you been there, the reader understands the reason for every action you took in the story.

Be Specific

Another tip you should note is trying to make your statement of purpose more precise and specific. That you are expected to tell stories, don’t start telling stories that bare not relevant to what you are applying for. Avoid saying things just to impress the admissions officer when it’s not necessary. Be introspective and detailed. Don’t just say “I chose this degree because I love this field.” Explain clearly why you love this field, what made you decide that you want to work in this field for the rest of your life, what skills you are trying to amass, why it completes you as a person, etc.

Avoid Lengthy MBA SoP

Some universities will try to test your intelligence to know how smart you are by not specifying the exact word -count you are to write. Now some applicants see that as an opportunity to exercise their writing skills by writing everything they know about writing. Others who are too lazy or impatient, write a few general statements for the sake of formality and submit the application. Both approaches aren’t good. If the university doesn’t specify the length, you could aim for 1000 words in the MBA SoP. More importantly, it’s the structure, content, and presentation that matters more than the word-count.

Write an Original and Authentic Essay?

Most students use one school Statement of Purpose template to prepare for more than one university with different names. This results in having a duplicate letter which is not good at all. Although universities might be similar in certain areas, they are vastly different in both their cultures, methodologies, visions, values, mottos, strengths and other activities they do. So, if you are applying to multiple universities, customize your essay and make it original. Therefore, try and research the general culture within the region in which your target university is, and learn something about it. It may also help in aiding your decision process; if a culture doesn’t attract you much, then there’s no point in wasting an application. So, if what you write brings a smile on the readers face, then it’s perfectly alright. But it shouldn’t make them throw away your application because you didn’t seem serious enough to them. If you want to take an MBA program in France, Click here.

Avoid Using Exaggerating Words

In writing SOP for MBA, avoid telling false stories about yourself just to impress the admission officers. Write great stories only if you have great stories. If you don’t have anything great to write, don’t write it. The worst thing you can do to yourself when writing is to pretend to be who you are not. For instance, don’t say you love reading when you find it very different to read 300 words in 2 minutes. What am I say….? Be yourself, and write only things that are true about yourself. Don’t let you chance of pursuing an MBA program in your dream school slip through your fingers.

Proofread Your Essay

This tip is very important. You will look very stupid if someone is reading your MBA statement of purpose and there are many errors. The Errors can be in spelling, Punctuations, bad use of vocabulary and so on. That is why you shouldn’t fail to proofread, edit and re-edit your statement of Purpose before sending it. Also, you can even ask friends or your family members to help you read and grade you. With this, you can save yourself not just that embarrassment, but also the chance of getting admitted. Don’t be shy to tell your friends to grade you. They know you and they can really talk about you. See it is very easy to talk about others, but very difficult to describe yourself because you will like to say the sweet things about yourself. That is why someone very close to you, like friends and family, can describe you accurately. You will get new perspectives on your stories, which sometimes are better than your own versions, and including them in your statement of purpose will do you a lot of good. Furthermore, don’t forget that your SOP is a literary picture of your personality and as such, should represent you well. So, make it a top priority to avoid typos, misplaced commas, and semicolons, overused quotes, being too wordy, using too many complex words and sentences, and being too straightforward. Having gotten the Tips on How to write a statement of purpose Sample for MBA, I won’t advise you to just jump into writing one right now without what makes up a Good Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA.

What makes up a Good Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA?

Yes, you can take a look at some statement of Purpose Samples done by others to get a hint on how to write you, but don’t be carried away so that you won’t end up writing about the person at the end. I sound funny right? But that’s the truth. So avoiding making that mistake, you can check out some of these Good statements of Purpose Sample for MBA. Note, Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA differs from that for undergraduates and MS. they may be similar in format, but there are differences. When writing your essay, there should be a flow of information. It should go from our past experience, present involvements, and plans. Here I will put the important point to remember while writing your SOP into paragraphs that cover all the pointers. Each paragraph answers a question. Let’s Take a look!

First Paragraph: Who I Am?

In this first paragraph, you should be able to tell about yourself. Give a short educational background of yourself and your goals and objectives. Explaining your background take and connecting it with your future goals shouldn’t take more than 3 lines.
Most importantly, ensure that the short description of yourself is related to the MBA program you are applying for. For instance, Don’t tell them how passionate you are when it comes to playing football when you are aspiring to get into their Nursing school. In the same vein, make a thorough reason for the program you are applying for. This will aid the information you will be providing align with the program you are applying for.

Second paragraph: Why Am interested in pursuing MBA

In this paragraph, you should be able to explain what is your motivation. Why are you want to pursue an MBA degree? Remember that I told you earlier that your statement of purpose tells admissions officers why you’re applying, and fast! Now, don’t make the mistake of generalizing your reasons. For instance, don’t tell the officer that I like rendering help to people, for that reason, I want to take an MBA program in Medical. It doesn’t make sense because you can still help people if you study Library Science or Business. Therefore, there should be a specific reason why you prefer an MBA course to other programs. And also, how the degree will help you in fulfilling your long-term goals. Furthermore, If you understand your own reasons for applying and you specify them as much as you can, you can easily convince admission officers that you’re the correct choice.

Third Paragraphs: why Am the best candidate for this?

Among all the paragraphs, this is the most important. Am not saying other paragraphs are not important, they are. Here you are expected to write about your experience or experience you have had on the particular field you are applying for. At this point, you can talk to relatives or friends who know you very well. They can be of help here. Also, you can use your paragraph 1 and 2 to build this paragraph. This will make your statement of purpose to be precise, relevant and informative.

Fourth Paragraph: What Other Experiences Do I have

If you have any other experiences which helped you decide on the field of study or have helped you in preparing, you can state them here. You know, admission panelists will want to be sure that you know how your personal goals align with the department’s vision and values. In some cases, most students go the extra mile to list the names of the alumni they see as role models in that profession and their achievements that motivated them.

Fifth Paragraph: Why I choose the University for the MBA

This is the one paragraph that most admission officers don’t skip when reading no matter how tedious the work might be. They want to know what you think about the University. At this juncture, you must be very careful not to use exaggerating words that are not true just because you want to impress the reader. It is important that you are able to convince a university on how they suitable for your profile. More so, you can discuss the University course curriculum, research work, faculty names, as well as their specific activities that would help you in enhancing your profile.

Closing Paragraph: Summary

This is your final part of the essay. In this last paragraph, you should be able to summarize all you have written so far from paragraphs 1-5. Moreso, you should very briefly describe your long-term career goals. Be very clear and specific when you write this. This closing Paragraph can be tricky a bit because your long term goal will be a bit different from the goal you stated in your first paragraph. In the first paragraph emphasized on your present actions, what you intend to achieve. On the other hand, this closing paragraph should talk about your future. In addition, you can write on how the program you are applying for will help you grow your career in the future. Do you want to apply for MBA program? You need this

MBA SoP vs MS SoP | What are the Differences

There is a big difference between MBA SOP and MS SOP, although they sound alike. The way you will write MBA statement of Purpose should be different from the way you write MS statement of purpose. Now, students applying for Masters of Science (MS) program, are usually freshers. They are younger and have lesser experience when compared with students applying for MBA. Meaning that, MBA applicants are older and more mature because they have spent 3-4 years working in the industry. That is why, MBA SOP requires more information that MS SOP. In addition, MS SoP is more technical in nature than an MBA. MBA SoP has to do a balancing act of building upon the technical roles you’ve been in and the managerial potential that draws you to international MBA universities. Finally, let’s look at some sample statement of purpose sample for MBA

Sample statement of purpose sample for MBA

Now that you know what How to makes a good SoP essay, Known Tips for Writing Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA, let’s see some samples of Statement of Purpose Sample for MBA Furthermore, you Download these MBA SoP Samples – link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6, link 7, link 8, link 9, link 10 The statement of purpose also known as SOP is written when you are applying for university admission. It is like an essay that you are expected to prepare that must be submitted with your application form. If you want to write an original and authentic Statement fo Purpose Sample for an MBA application, you really need to take a look at some of these tips. Tell StoriesBe specificAvoid Using Exaggerating Words Avoid lengthy words and so on. Here is a look at how to write a winning SOP. What do you want to study at graduate school? Why do you want to study only this degree? Why do you want to study at this particular college? What do you like us? Why did you choose to study in this particular country? What do you like about it?How much and what kind of experience you have in your field? Is your experience related to your choice of degree?If you are already experienced, what additional skills are you planning to gain from the degree? What you plan to do with your degree after graduation? Would you choose to end up with a job or take up research?

