One of my Friends chatted up the last time the results were released. She was so happy that her name was enlisted as a TEF Entrepreneurship Programme Winner. Guess what she told me, ” I came up with an idea that has not been heard anywhere else”. I was so curious that I have to call her on the phone to hear the full story.  She Said, “My idea was to connect Auto Mechanics to a Clients in Protharcourt Nigeria, just like Uber does “. I stood on my feet to hear all she had to say about the whole process, I was amazed by such an amazing idea. I had an application submitted on the same day as my friends’, what happened to my application became so obvious. “My Idea was not worth the Tony Elumelu Award.” I realized that the TEF Panel of Judges is targeting at new Inventions and not cutting Edge innovations that can change Africa at large. From the last list of the Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme, over 1,000 applicants emerged successful as recipients of the award. Last year alone, over 216,000 applications were submitted, an increase of 151,000 over the previous year. Statistics show that 90,000 women, entrepreneurs submitted their applications, an increase of 45%, illustrating the Foundation’s strategy to achieve a more balanced gender balance. Each selected awardee will receive a capital of $5,000, access to mentors and a 12-week corporate training program focused on the needs of African entrepreneurs.

Why Tony Elumelu Foundation Programme?

TEEP (Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship programme) is a pan-African entrepreneurial initiative of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, which is a multi-year training, funding, and mentorship program designed to empower the next generation of African entrepreneurs. It is the brainchild of Tony Elumelu, a Nigerian investor and philanthropist, who is poised to provide $100 million to create 10,000 African entrepreneurs over the next 10 years. The goal is to create 1,000,000 jobs and generate annual revenues of US $10 billion for the African economy over this period.

Who is Eligible for the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2022?

The TEF Programme is not for an academic level or qualification. The Tony Elumelu Scholarship is designed to assist young entrepreneurs around Africa to start or support their enterprise, thereby creating thousands of job opportunities in Africa. You can have access to explore other Entrepreneur opportunitiess. The TEF Scholarship 2022 is available for young entrepreneurs from all over Africa. The TEF Scholarship is hosted in Nigeria. If you are an international student and you desire to study in Nigeria. Check out the best scholarships obtainable for study in Nigeria If Applicants are offered a place in the Programme, Applicants will be expected to:

complete a self-declaration form,provide proof of valid ID,provide a personal bank statement from the past 6 monthsprovide a statement of current personal debts.provide a reference from an employer, bank and/or academic institutions;Provide business bank account details (For UBA present countries, it must be a UBA account)

Tips to Write a Successful Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Grant

Position yourself as someone who is giving out a grant. What exactly does this Tony Elumelu Foundation want to achieve?Read all the information about the application and think about what they really expect from you.Before you write your application, study the terminologies used by the foundation often and use it.Study the organization’s website.Study the selection of alumni and observe the ideas of people who have previously won.Take a look at how they communicated their ideas and replicate the same.Study how they tell their stories and create your own stories.Tony Elumelu is looking for ideas with social impact. Be sure to communicate this at each stage of the application.I recently heard from a partner Mentor that most of the ideas are being selected based on their emotional Strength. You have to communicate the right feeling to the judges for you to be selectedThere is a vocabulary of winners. Study the successful winners and see how they communicate their ideas on paper.In the voice of the Tony Elumelu Foundation CEO, there is no idea that he cannot win. It all depends on your Communication.

How much is the TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2022?

TEF Entrepreneurship Programme 2022 offers to successful participants a cash benefit of $5000. Access to mentors and a 12-week corporate training program focused on the needs of African entrepreneurs and a Forum Programme.

TEEP Winners List

For a list of the selected 2021 Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs and more information on our programme, please visit the website of the Tony Elumelu Foundation here. The Winners of these Opportunities for Africans are always announced sometime around  May-June annually. The List contains winners from various sectors of the African Economy. We have received testimonies of winners and how they were successfully listed. We’ll keep you posted with news on the Successful shortlisted Candidates

Application Procedures

All applications must be submitted ONLINE through the APPLICATION PORTAL. You must complete an application form by answering a series of mandatory questions and uploading additional documents and identification materials. After submission, you will receive a confirmation email of receipt within 1 working day.