Now that you’ve decided to obtain that university degree, how do you intend to fund the education knowing that it may be somewhat expensive? On one hand, a funding solution for your university degree is studying at a tuition-free university. On the other hand, not many universities offer a non-tuition education. Even when they do, some extra fees still need to be covered, so students have to deal with a situation when they can’t support themselves during their studies. As a result, the world scholarship forum has some funding solutions for university students who need support. Do well to read to the end to understand fully the steps to take. Meanwhile, the table of content is below.

Why Do University Students need Funding?

The prevailing reason university students need funding is to lessen the effect of rising tuition fees. Just as the price of other services is on the increase, education is not left out. Similarly, with the help of funding, university students can focus on their studies. Instead of working while studying, students can concentrate on their studies when the funding for their university education has been sorted out. Another important reason university students need funding is to reduce the amount of loans students owe. Typically, two-thirds of college students graduate with an average loan of nearly $20,000 according to the University of Hawai Foundation.

Funding Solutions for University Students

These are the possible funding solutions for university students. They are listed below.

#1. Student Loan Borrowers

Tuition fees are not the only costs student needs to cover in order to study at university. The full time studying that lasts around 3 or 4 years includes tuition fees, dorm fees, books, materials, transportation, student living expenses, etc. The list of student costs is growing and it’s getting harder and harder to find a solution to your financial problems. While many universities offer financial aid during the registration process, it may still not be enough and you need to look for funding elsewhere. According to studies, 9 out of 10 students get some kind of financial support during their studies. They mostly rely on their parents for financial support but also a popular choice is part-time jobs and student loans. The latter is especially popular today because they give students good conditions. The conditions are very important for students and the regulations mostly depend on the elections. Read more on how to get a student loan. Banks also give students the possibility to borrow money for university studies. Usually, the amount shouldn’t exceed the tuition fees and dorm fees amount. Students don’t get the money but the bank directly transfers them to the right places. Looking for tips on how to repay the tuition loan? Read How can I get my Student Loans Paid Off. Read: 21 Full Scholarships To Pay Off Student Loans

#2. Financial Aid for Students

Instead of student loans, many opt for financial aids because of fear of repayment. Plus, the loan grows by the years they remain unpaid. Financial aids are granted by individuals and schools alike to help students with a fraction or all of their tuition fees. The main difference between financial aid and scholarships is that financial aids are given fr a specific purpose. For example, need-based financial aid is for students who are from lower-class families. Some financial aids are for people from a particular origin, ethnic group,etc.

#3. Scholarships

This is the most common funding source/options for university students. Scholarships are non-refundable and depending on the scholarship, it can cover both tuition, living expenses, and all other costs that arise from university education. There are different scholarships for different students. Some are based on subject, country, color, level, gender, academic performance, and lots more. This funding option for university students is preferred because you can apply for many scholarships and their revenue will cover all the cost of education for that academic year.

#4. Grants and Bursaries

These are also non-refundable funding sources for students and are granted by many organizations and governments. They work more like scholarships but bursaries are from the government while grant is from organizations.

#5. Employment

Another funding option for university students is getting employed. They work part-time, during breaks to raise money for fees and tuition.

The Value of Earning a Bachelor’s Degree

Back in the past, a university degree got you a better job. Today, it only gets you a job. According to researches, the job positions requiring a bachelor’s degree, the salary has remained more or less the same in the last five years. It means that a degree is no longer a guarantee for a higher paying job anymore. This is the reason why students who don’t have a solid financial background don’t even decide to enter the university simply because it takes them into a debt that will take years to pay off. The support system for student loan borrowers has reduced and students feel left high and dry when looking for extra funding sources. It’s advisable to find a financial model that best suits your needs and interests. To encourage students to pursue a bachelor’s degree, universities are providing scholarships by subjects to home and foreign students.


There are many funding options and solutions for university students. Make use of these and have an easier education devoid of worry as regards fees payment. This article has listed some of the funding options for university students. Read and apply thus.

