The article will be looking at the 21 Best degrees to get in 2023. We will also look at their costs, marketability, and salary structure. Meanwhile, below is a table of content that briefly summarizes this article. It’s not a secret that many professionals hate to wake up and go to work every day because they have no love for their 9-5s. The reason a huge number of people have this issue is likely because they didn’t consider lots of things before making a career decision. The result of that decision is a lack of job satisfaction, among other things. So, we’ve looked at the 21 best degrees to get in 2023, which will help prospective college students make better career decisions.

21 Best degrees to get in 2023 | Cost, Marketability, Salary: Introduction

As the world continues to evolve, it’s important that students choose degree programs that will provide them with an education that is relevant to the world tomorrow. With the rapid changes, and lots of new industries springing up, industries relevant today might become obsolete tomorrow and replaced with unanticipated new fields of work. While this is exciting, its volatility can make it hard for people to determine which degrees will be the best for the future. Fortunately, some organizations provide us with data that helps us make educated guesses. Therefore, while we recognize that there are people whose career decisions are influenced mainly by high-earning potential and job security – it isn’t easy to choose. So here are our best degrees to get in 2023:

#21. Accounting

Accounting is one of the most incredible fields of work and guarantees job security. It is one of the highest degrees for the future, and this is because of the median pay made available to those with degrees in Accounting. Studying accounting exposes students to lots of skills and techniques that will prove beneficial in most financial workplaces.  Through studies, Accounting students learn various accounting competencies and become fluent in many different financial skills.  Additionally, you learn how to maintain the financial records of a business as well as how to understand financial statements properly.  Accountants help businesses manage the cash flow in and out of business and how to ensure that a company properly manages its finances. Studying accounting will allow you to further your education in finance or business-related fields. Furthermore, you can make a career in various fields, including financial analyst, auditor, and accountant positions. Median Salary: $69,350/year Marketability The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that this industry is expected to grow 10% by the year 2026. This is indicative of very healthy market growth. And the typical level of education in this field of work is a Bachelor’s degree. You can read this: 17 Best Degrees To Get For The Future

#20. Advertising

This is another degree that will stand the test of time. Every new or repackaged product or service needs some form of advertising, and who do the companies come to? Yeah! You got that, advertisers!! Through the pursuit of a degree in Advertising, students will study the critical function of marketing, that is, advertising. Students will learn the principles and functions of effective advertisements through their studies. They will hone their creative and communication skills to develop an eye and ear for the most effective means of communicating the benefits of products, brands, or services to potential clients and customers. Median Salary:  $129,380/year.  Marketability The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that this industry is expected to grow 10% by 2026. This is indicative of very healthy market growth. And the typical level of education in this field of work is a Bachelor’s degree.

#19. Architecture

This set of people has blessed us with the best designs and edifices; of course, we will continue to need their services. For this and more, architecture as a degree will continue to be relevant in this society. Students who choose to study Architecture are sure of being set up for life with a lucrative opportunity. Students will be tasked with learning the fundamental principles of architecture as they learn the skills needed to go on to work as architects. They will learn how to plan and draft architectural plans for various projects properly. Students will also learn about different materials and construction techniques to draft plans that can be executed. Median Salary:  $78,470/year. Marketability The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that this industry is expected to grow by 4% by 2026. This is indicative of stable job growth. And the typical level of education in this field of work is a Bachelor’s degree.

#18. Biochemistry

This fusion of Biology and Chemistry is also a degree to really study in 2023. Students will learn about key biochemical processes that allow for the existence of complex life. Students will learn about the chemical composition of different tissues and organs that make up organisms. Knowledge of these things makes it easy to know and track the existence of new organisms. Median Salary: $91,190/year. Marketability The Bureau of Labor Statistics also reports that this industry is expected to grow 11% by 2026. This is promising market growth. And the typical level of education in this field of work is a Bachelor’s degree.

#17. Biomedical Engineering

The need for people who can use cutting-edge technologies to help those with medical conditions continues to grow as medical practices evolve. To be able to do this, you need a degree in Biomedical Engineering which will teach you all you need t know about the human body and how everything in it works together to maintain a healthy body. Students will also spend time studying the latest advancements in technology and how they can be used to treat individuals with different health concerns. Median Salary:   $88,040/year. Marketability This industry is expected to undergo 7% job growth by the year 2026. This is indicative of a very healthy job market. The typical level of education for entry-level positions in this field is a Bachelor’s degree.

#16. Business

As long as people continue to interact for profit-making purposes, a business degree will continue to be relevant. By pursuing a degree in Business, students will become well-versed in all there is to know about running a business. Additionally, students learn to manage man and money as this forms part of managing a business. You also learn how to properly draft business plans that clearly outline the different functions of a new business. Median Salary: $67,710/year Marketability This industry is expected to experience 10% job growth by the year 2026. The typical level of education needed for an entry-level position in this job market is a Bachelor’s degree.

#15. Chemical Engineering

The future of chemical plants and facilities lies with chemical engineers as they are taught how to make sustainable chemical plants that stand the taste of time. With a degree in Chemical Engineering, Students will learn how to develop chemotherapy and vaccines for the medical field. They can also learn more about the production of greener plastics and cleaner sources of energy for tomorrow. Median Salary: $102,160/year. Marketability This industry is projected to grow 8% by the year 2026. Typically, entry-level positions in this industry require at least a Bachelor’s degree level of education.

#14.Civil Engineering

The importance of people with this degree cannot be over-emphasized. Students who study Civil Engineering learn how to make master plans for the development of cities and communities. As a Civil engineering student, you are expected to cover be conversant with courses like physics, structural engineering, mechanical engineering, and much more. Median Salary: $84,770/year.  Marketability This industry is projected to grow by 11% by the year 2026. Typically, entry-level positions in this industry require at least a Bachelor’s degree level of education. Check this: Best Degree for a Teacher in 2023: Profesional Advice

#13. Communications

This is one of the best degrees to get in 2023. By enrolling to study communications, students learn different communication theories to better understand the ways that people and groups communicate with one another. They will also learn how to communicate effectively and concisely in a way that can influence people’s desires. Median Salary: $56,340/year Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 6% by the year 2026. For an entry-level job in this industry, a Bachelor’s degree is recommended.

#12. Computer Science

This is my personal favorite. Computer science is just among the best degrees to get in 2023. It is and will, for a long time, be among the best degrees to get in the future. From the first IBM machine that had to be wheeled in by tens of men to what we have now, Computer has reached and surpassed what was expected of it. It’s programming also continues to improve – today; we are discussing AI and the barriers it’s going to break. This all wouldn’t be possible if not for the first inventors, who, of course, studied a form of Computer science. You will need to get a computer science degree to learn how all the components interact and function as a system. A Computer Science degree requires students to learn a great deal about mathematics, logic, and various computer programming languages that allow students to design and create new computer applications. Median Salary: $84,580/year. Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 13% by the year 2026. Typically, a Bachelor’s degree is required for entry-level positions in this field of work.

#11. Education

This degree is what makes the whole other degree possible. Those with degree certificates in Education can teach in whatever field they majored in. As the need for new courses continues to emerge, the importance of those who can teach others continues to be relevant. Hence, Education is one of the best degrees to get in 2023. Students in an Education degree program will also be tasked with learning a variety of different topics, including mathematics, English, social studies, science, and much more, in order to teach that to others.  Median Salary: $84,580/year. Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 9% by the year 2026. Typically, the entry level of education in this field of work is a Bachelor’s degree.

#10. Electrical Engineering

You need a degree in Electrical Engineering if you’re interested in learning the skills needed to design the electronics and electrical systems of the future. As a student of EE, you will learn how to design electrical systems that will work in various applications, including motors, radar and navigation, power generation, and communications systems. Additionally, students will also learn how to operate the machinery needed to manufacture electronics on a large scale. Median Salary: $97,970/year Marketability  This industry is expected to experience 7% job growth by the year 2026, which is indicative of a very healthy job market. The entry-level education typical of those working in this industry is a Bachelor’s degree.

#9. Environmental Science

Environmental Science is a booming industry that needs trained and educated workers. If you’re really passionate about the environment, you’d definitely thrive as an environmental scientist. Students will learn about the water cycle, deforestation, and other topics critical to an environmental science degree. As an environmental scientist, you’ll be tasked to identify environmental threats and proffer solutions to those threats. Furthermore, students get to learn processes and rules that govern the natural world and help preserve it. Median Salary: $69,400/year Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 11% by the year 2026. The typical entry level of education for jobs in this industry is a Bachelor’s degree.

#8. Fashion Design

This is one degree that can never go out of Fashion – pun intended – because the industry continues to reinvent itself. Fashion design students will learn the skills needed to cut and design clothes. Students will also study the proper construction and design of different clothing pieces in order to ensure that they are creating different pieces of clothing that can be recreated.  They will work to hone their creativity while also developing their understanding of the more technical aspects of clothing construction. Median Salary: $67,420/year Marketability  This industry is expected to grow by 3% by the year 2026. This is indicative of average job growth. The typical entry-level of education in this field is a Bachelor’s degree.

#7. Film Studies

If you’re looking for an opportunity to make or carve a niche in Hollywood, then you need a degree in Film Studies. You will learn the history of film and how it evolved, learn about the first and best films, and replicate their strategies and techniques with improved technologies. As a student, you also get to learn screen and scriptwriting to be able to craft stories. Median Salary: $58,210/year Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 13% by the year 2026. The typical entry-level of education provided for this career path is a Bachelor’s degree. Also, you can read this: Top 15 Best Degrees for Adults Returning to College | 2023 Ranking

#6. Graphic Design

For those students who have a creative edge, especially when it comes to drawing and illustration, then a Graphic Design degree should be considered one of the best degrees for 2023. Students will learn how to hone their drawing and illustration skills in order to create clean and effective illustrations and drawings.  They will also be tasked with learning about various new technologies in the field of graphic design, including graphic design software like Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator.  Median Salary: $48,700/year Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 4% by the year 2026. Typically, the required entry-level education for work in this field is a Bachelor’s degree.

#5. Liberal Arts

A broad degree, a Liberal Arts degree, is one of our top degrees for the future as it affords students with a solid backbone to build various careers. By pursuing a Liberal Arts degree, students are able to study a variety of different Liberal Arts topics to create an education that is best suited to their needs.  Students can choose to study classical topics such as philosophy or logic as they work to expand their understanding of themselves and our place in the universe. Median Salary: $41,910/year. Marketability The bureau of labor statistics projects that the Liberal industry will experience positive growth.

#4. Nursing

Nurses are indispensable in the healthcare industry, and their importance can easily be noticed in hospitals, doctor’s offices, clinics, and healthcare management in general. This makes it one of the best degrees to get in 2023, and it will remain one of the best for eight years. Unless the computers take over sooner than that. As a nursing student, you will learn how to assess the needs of patients and how to work with doctors in order to provide patients with the cure they need to get back to good health. Nurses care while doctors heal, and for their caring, they get to earn a; Median Salary: $41,910/year. Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 15% by the year 2026. This is indicative of very healthy job growth. Typically, the entry-level education required for this industry is a Bachelor’s degree.

#3. Psychology

With the stressful activities we all engage in today’s world, we all need a therapist!! Someone we can unload on and clear our heads to. If you are interested in helping people feel better about themselves and achieve better and more stable mental health, you should definitely get a degree. Getting a degree will help you learn about the different functions of the brain and how they can govern individuals’ moods and mental climate. You will learn how to prescribe a variety of different treatments and therapies to those suffering from mental illness to help them lead healthier lives. Median Salary: $77,030/year. Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 14% by the year 2026. Typically, the level of education needed for an entry-level position in this industry is that of a Master’s degree.

#2. Sports Management

Running a sports enterprise is not easy stuff to do. It takes a whole team of professionals in different fields to run a sports team at an efficient level. So if you want to be part of a team or are passionate about sports and want to run an enterprise someday, you get a degree. Getting a degree will give you the basic business and management skills to manage a team and personnel. You will learn how to navigate the muddy waters of employee disputes and specific information on how to train and maintain the health of athletes. Median Salary: $64,940/year Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 8% by the year 2026. The typical entry-level education for people in this industry is a Bachelor’s degree.

#1. Medicine

This is one of the broadest and takes time to complete. The importance of medical doctors in our society can not be overemphasized; we need their expertise to continue to maintain a sound body and mind. Depending on what or where a student would prefer to specialize, you will be taught how best to perform some functions as it relates to your field. You will be taught the necessary skills to help you excel in whatever medical field you wish to specialize in. Median Salary: $120,678 Marketability This industry is expected to grow by 14% by the year 2026. The typical entry-level of education for people in this industry is a Master’s degree. Read this: 10 Best Bachelor Degrees In Automotive Engineering | 2023


We could not attach a particular amount to any of these degrees, and their tuition fees vary from one state to another and from one institution to the other. Therefore, I advise that you check out the cost of any degree of your choice on your school of choice website. This will give you better speculation of the fees that you will need to pay, either as acceptance fees or as tuition. Furthermore, this will help you understand or know all the other expenses you must make as a student – studying any of these degrees.


There’s really no trick as to what career path is most suitable for someone. However, pursuing something you’re passionate about will go a long in making you fulfilled in life. We hope you find our list helpful in making your career decisions. Good luck.


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