Did you know that you can be overly motivated? Most of us don’t recognize over-motivation as real or potentially harmful. Over-motivation is very real, especially in elite populations like medical school! It is important that you have the right kind and amount of motivation to stand out and enjoy medical school. Let’s take a closer look at this topic of motivation. In this writing, we shall discuss what motivation means for a medical student and the Best medical school motivation Routines. Pursuing a career in medicine is an incredibly classy and rewarding career path, but it is challenging and rigorous. Sometimes the trip to medical school can be overwhelming and daunting. But you are not alone. Current medical students and practicing doctors have all experienced the ups and downs of preparing for and applying to medical school and remember what the process was like.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is defined as the direction and intensity of your own efforts. There are generally two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic Motivation – Do an activity for yourself, especially for pleasure and satisfaction. In medical school, this can mean that a person has a real desire to help others learn biology or face an intellectual challenge. Extrinsic motivation – It is intended to achieve possible results beyond the activity. In medical school, this could look like a desire for a certain income, prestige, or pressure from outside sources like parents.

What can the “right” motivation do for you?

Directs behavior towards a specific goalLeads to increased effortIncreases enduranceAffects cognitive processesDetermines the reinforcing or punishing consequencesImproves academic performance

Motivation in Medical School

Does the type of motivation (intrinsic or extrinsic) that you have at the medical school matter? Yes! A recent study by Kusurkar and colleagues (2013) divided medical students into four groups based on their intrinsic and controlled (extrinsic) motivation at the medical school. These motivational profiles were It was discovered that interested students (high intrinsic, low extrinsic) had the optimal learning profile with a high depth study strategy, a low surface study strategy, more time for self-study, higher GPAs, and less study fatigue. They also found that students in the groups with low intrinsic motivation (status motivated and low motivated) had the least desirable learning characteristics. They had a lower depth study strategy, a higher surface strategy, fewer hours of self-study, a lower GPA, and a higher level of exhaustion while studying. If you are going to study Medicine, you must prepare for the Medical School Interview. Click the link below to explore How To Prepare For Medical School Interviews

Best Medical School Motivation Routines/Ideas

Med School can often be demotivating and depressing, especially if you find the workload overwhelming and intense. However, a lot of students have scaled through this impossible feat and emerged at the height of their studies by applying these medical school motivation Routines. Hence, we will discuss a few ways students stay motivated during their medical education.

Extracurricular Activities

As a medical student, it can sometimes be extremely stressful, especially if you invest more and more time in learning and working through the workload. Take a break and relax for a change. Try to break down the workload whenever possible and try to do what you want for a few hours. Read a book, go jogging or play sports.

Time Management

Time management can help you be more productive and break down the workload. It is not always the case that you burn yourself out by taking on the entire workload directly. If you divide it into segments, you can tackle each one individually and stay motivated.

Having a To-do List

Working with a to-do list is one of the routines every medical student must imbibe. It helps the student properly plan and execute their daily activities without misplacement of priorities. The activities of a med student are totally different from that of an average college student. They can’t afford to be anywhere at any time. Their lifestyles always follow a definite sequence which allows them to know what is important at a particular moment or not.

Be fine if you don’t meet the deadlines

The quality of the study is better than the quantity of the study. This is something that most medical students forget and are often demotivated. You have to understand that not all deadlines can be met. You need to focus on the content of the work rather than its size. Students are usually so obsessed with deadlines that they do not understand the concepts they are dealing with and find shortcuts to memorize or complete their workload without proper understanding.

Change your place of study from time to time

Learning in one place can often be a bit boring and lead to delays.

Change your way of learning, start typing when you have written, or vice versa.Go to the library to study instead of your dorm.

Look at the big picture

The medical school is not just an examination of the intellect, but also of serenity and grit. Take a look at your long-term goals and don’t lose sight of them. Failure of one test can always be restored in the next. However, losing track of why you are here can be extremely detrimental to your future career.

Stay Healthy

A healthy diet can help you stay fresh and positive before a test or all day. Try to exercise and get as much sleep as possible (an impossible task, I know). These things will help you stay motivated and energetic throughout your medical education.

Use your support system

Medicine can be a lonely field if you don’t turn to help when you need it. There are many people who go through the same things as you (your classmates) or have done it before. Contact these people if you lack motivation and drive. It doesn’t have to be your family. Have only one group of people to turn to when the going gets tough. In return, be there for them when they need you.

Take A Step Away

Sometimes the best way to love something is to take a break away for a day. Burnout is real and avoiding it is important. There is an unfortunate sense of guilt in medical school when we choose not to study. Yes, learning the material is important, but not at the risk of your own well-being. So, at some times, take a break and do something else and come to it.

Picture yourself as a doctor

This should be a motivation for all medical students. If you don’t feel motivated, getting on the track can sometimes be very difficult. Imagine helping a patient and the motivation that motivated you to become a doctor. These are some tips to stay motivated and, on the path, you made yourself when you decided to become a doctor at all.

How long do I have to study as a Medical Student?

A doctor’s journey is one of the most difficult and stressful as he has to undergo hard and rigorous training throughout his medical education. The medical education system in certain countries, such as the United States, is at least 11 years (4 years of college, 4 years of medical studies, and at least 3 years of residence) and is a true survival test among students and is one of the most test phases in an individual’s life. First: Sleep is your friend. Your brain is an organ in your body just like any other.Second: You are what you eat. Lots of leafy green vegetables.Third: Keep your brain guessing. Trying to do too much of the same thing in one day is a fast way to burn out.Fourth: Feed your soul. Come up with a solid reason why you want to build better study habits, like getting better grades, doing well on tests, or having less stress around assignment deadlines. Create a routine you plan to follow every time you want to study, like going to a specific place at a specific time. “Studying medicine is a privilege, to me, medicine is the ultimate career. … But most importantly, a career in medicine empowers you to help people, to be respected by others, and to feel job satisfaction in a way that is impossible to feel in many other careers. The advantages of becoming a doctor include high salary and personal satisfaction; but disadvantages include time consumption, stress, and lawsuits

Is medical school difficult? (Conclusion)

Medicine has evolved dramatically and made tremendous advances in patient care and medical equipment. These advances are nothing without the contribution of well-trained and healthy doctors who control several areas of the human body. This has been achieved through a standardized teaching mechanism that trains and produces exceptional doctors.


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